Kristine Gritter
Professor, Curriculum and Instruction; Director of Doctoral Programs
Phone: 206-281-2323
Office: Peterson Hall 309
Education: BA, Calvin College, 1991; MS, Florida International University, 1996; PhD, Michigan State University, 2007. At SPU since 2007.
Kristine Gritter spent 10 years as a middle school English language arts teacher in Miami, Florida. She has a daughter and a husband who is a high school history teacher. Dr. Gritter received her PhD from Michigan State University and her teaching credentials from Calvin College.
Dr. Gritter’s research interest currently focuses on textual discussions in English language arts classrooms, particularly how students make text-to-self connections with texts and prior knowledge of popular culture.
Dr. Gritter teaches children’s literature, secondary English methods, and reading and writing across the curriculum for undergraduate and graduate students.
Selected Publications
- Boerman-Cornell, W., Vriend VanDuinen, D., and Mensonides Gritter, K, & Bian, X.(2022). Young Adult Literature and Spirituality. Rowman & Littlefield.
- Gritter, K., Schoon-Tanis, K., & Althoff, M. (2014). Can Pop Culture and Shakespeare Exist in the Same Classroom? Using Student Interest to Bring Complex Text to Life. Routledge
Columns in peer-reviewed journal (nominated editor for Right to Lead column)
- Gritter, K., Bian, X., Boerman-Cornell, B., & Vriend VanDuinen, D. (2019).“Not Everyone’s Darling”: Censorship and Knowledge Construction in Habibi. The ALAN Review 46.3, 91–97. (Received Column of the Year Award).
Peer-reviewed journal articles
- Lau, S.W. & Mensonides Gritter, K. (2022). “Hidden voices: How Chinese Immigrant Educators Implement Culturally Inclusive Practices in U.S. Classrooms.” Educational Research and Development Journal 25.1, 65–81.
- Gritter, K., Vriend Van Duinen, D., Montgomery, K., Blowers, D., & Bishop, D. (2017).“Boy Troubles? Male Literacy Depictions in Children's Choices Picture Books.” The Reading Teacher 70.5, 571–581.
- Gritter, K., Scheurerman, R., Schuster, C., Strong, C., & Williams, T. (2016). “Valuing Native American Tribal Elders and Stories for Sustainability Study.” Middle School Journal, 47, 3–12.
- Wicks, D. A., Craft, B. B., Mason, G. N., Gritter, K., & Bolding, K. (2015). “An Investigation into the Community of Inquiry of Blended Classrooms by a Faculty Learning Community.” Internet and Higher Education, 53–62.
- Gritter, K., Beers. S., & Knaus, R.W. (2014). “Teacher Scaffolding of Academic Language in an Advanced Placement U.S. History Class.” Journal of Adolescent & Adult Literacy 6.5, 409–418.
- Gritter, K. (2012). “Permeable Textual Discussion in Tracked Language Arts Classrooms.” Research in the Teaching of English, 46. (2012): 232–259.
- Gritter, K. (2011). “Promoting Lively Literature Discussion.” The Reading Teacher, 64, 445–449.